Thursday, 21 March 2013

Writer or not a writer?

Recently, I have been challenging in my own mind whether I can class myself as a 'writer'.

I started up a FaceBook page, I didn't tell anyone that I know in 'real-life', I didn't request that my friends, or even my husband 'like' the page. I kept it to myself. My husband still hasn't liked the page.


Because, I was nervous, putting it out there and saying "I'm a writer." I didn't want my friends, and more importantly, my family to roll their eye's at me. I know they do, but I'm not sure if I actually care anymore.

It took a lovely comment from a complete stranger to make me feel like I am a writer, that I have something to be proud of. I think that reflects some of my personality, though, I'm sure most would argue that I'm 'loud and proud'. Actually I'm not. I constantly seek assurances that my work is good, or at least acceptable.

I would argue that what we do defines us, but I don't think thats true. There are people that are employed as cleaners, but if they are committed to charity fundraising in their spare time, having raised thousands, are they 'just' a cleaner (by the way I believe every profession has it's value in society)?

 There are journalists, uninterested in writing anything other than what they have to write to earn their salary, they go home and do nothing other than watch soap operas....are they writers? Are they better than the aforementioned cleaner? Do you catch my drift?

So perhaps, I will go down a different track. What about, if what drives us and makes us happy is what defines us, if we so wish to be called something or have a label.

For the most part of everyday all I think about is plot schemes, characters, sub-plots, hooks, endings, scenes....need I go on. This is what drives me, what makes me write everyday, sometimes I don't want to...I just have to. I have yet to make a penny from it. Maybe I never will. I am a writer.

I sometimes feel aggrieved when people, not just one or two, but a large scoop of people tell me that they would like to write stories or novels and truly think they can without research of the available markets. I feel that these people, often failing to string a coherent written sentence together think that what I do is easy. I absolutely wish them all well, I wish them every success. Writing, simply isn't as easy as one thinks without practice and drive. 

Writing is something which takes pleasure, pain, talent and perseverance. It's what defines me, no matter what other profession I may take in order to earn a living, I'll always be a writer.


  1. Good thoughts in that blog L.T. Grateful you shared it. I agree. I feel the same way about writing. I have been fortunate enough to be able to earn a decent income from it (at least in the last few years), but the dedication to the craft is much more important. This makes me consider another aspect of my life: martial arts. I have been training for 20+ years yet have never made a dime off of it, or attended a single competition. But without a doubt, based on my experience and passion for it I can easily call myself a martial artist. I think some of the backlash on people calling themselves 'writers' is that so many just jump in and try it out without considering the craft or how difficult it is to really do well. I think that you have down exactly what it means to be a writer. You are a writer. :)

  2. Thank you both for your comments. I hope I am a writer as I embark on chapter two! ;).
