Wednesday, 15 May 2013

This week I've had the great pleasure of interviewing Dearbhaile Galonadriel from 'Into the Realm: The Chronicles of Carter Blake, Book 1' written by my wonderful friend R.W Foster.

 His blog can be followed here: His blog is always filled with great stuff and is well worth a follow.

Me: So, I like to know who I'm dealing with. Because I'm quite fickle, what do you look like?

Dearbhaile: Would ye like me own description, or would ye prefer Carter's?

Me: Both would be good, I'd be interested to see how your lover views you....ask him to tell me?

Dearbhaile: Sure. Accordin' tae Cater's measurements, I be 5'6" an' about 135 lbs. Me hair be auburn, and down tae me shoulder blades. Me eyes be green.

Carter Blake chimes in from a distant land with how he felt and what he saw when he first saw Dearbaile...

Carter:  Her face is ageless, neither old nor young, though in it is written the memory of many things both glad and sorrowful. Her hair, a fiery dark orange like a maple leaf in the fall in direct light; her eyes are emerald and in them a light as of the stars. Thought and new knowledge are in her glance which pierces me to my innermost secrets. The lady’s grace is such that she seems to glide across the ground as she approaches.

As I drink in the sight of her, I felt weightless like gravity had vanished. I feel my mouth stretch in a goofy grin. She wears an electric blue robe trimmed in white. The way she moves has me sweating and my pulse racing.

Me: Wow! (Shakes head in amazement, takes a moment to get over the overwhelming vibe and and continues with the task at hand.) 
And according to your measurement's? Men are always off on measurement' my opinion ;)

Dearbhaile: I dinae know. Elven do nae have measurements as humans do.

Me: So, you have an accent. Where are you from?

Dearbhaile: I be from tha Realm. Me mum be from Eire. Carter says that be either Ireland, or Scotland in his world.

Me: Yeah, Scotland sounds about right to me. How do you feel about Carter? Is he good in the sack?

Dearbhaile: *Blushes* W-we, we've- tha's private!

Me: (Sigh 'I really wanted to know that.') Oh, sorry. I'm a bit brash...forgive me. Where do you live now? Describe it to me.

Dearbhaile: When I be travelin' wit' Carter, or nae?

Me: All the time....where do you go? On your own or with Carter, I'm very nosey, please answer as though I need to know everything....because I do.

Dearbhaile: When with Carter, we go throughout tha multiverse. When I be home, I either travel the lands o' me people, stay at Castle Orwen wi' tha Lady Orwen, or I be with tha Vaush-Tauric.

Me: Who are they?

Dearbhaile: Lady Orwen be Queen Adora Orwen, ruler o' Dragon's Land, where Carter first entered tha Realm. The Vaush-Tauric be me teacher, and a Speaker for tha Draconic Gods.

Me: What would you say are your five worst traits?

Dearbhaile: I dinae know. What be traits?

Me: Things about you.

Dearbhaile: I be impulsive. I be inexperienced. Carter call it "sheltered". Angriz says I be too trustin'. Tha's all I have for ye now.

Me: What is your main ambition?

Dearbhaile: Me main amibition be tae protect me Rishka.

Me: Rishka?

Dearbhaile: Aye. Translated from tha Elven, it means Beloved.

Me: How old are you?

Dearbhaile: I recently celebrated me 403rd year.

Me: So you've had a long life? What kind of childhood did you have? Are your parents still around?

Dearbhaile: Nae, not really a long life as the Elven mark tha years. As humans would see it, aye, it be long. As ye'd mark it, I'd be in me late teens.
It was a fairly normal childhood, I suppose. I traveled the forests at me mum's side, from the time I could walk until she disappeared when I was near 50. She was killed by tha Dark Dwarf, Drago tha Clanless. I spent tha next fifty with me da and then after me 100th, I went ta learn from tha Vaush-Tauric. Me da be still alive. He recently celebrated his 750th summer.

Me: Are those your sworn enemies then? Do you have anymore?

Dearbhaile: I do nae have any sworn enemies, excepting orcs, werewolves, an' other unnatural creatures. Carter slew Drago 103 Summers ago.

Me: Whats your weapon when fighting the creatures you mentioned?

Dearbhaile: I use Essence, what ye humans call magic.

Me: And what does your magic do to the creatures?

Dearbhaile: It depends on the Casting, doesn't it?

Me: Do you mean the type of spell you cast? So you can do what you choose to the creatures?

Dearbhaile: As ye would see it, aye. Everythin' has an Essence. Some, more than one. Take tha air for example. It has elements of heat, an' cold. Also, water. I can use that tae freeze an enemy, or to set them ablaze. I can make it rain for ye, or cause it tae snow.

Me: Well, I'd really rather you didn't make any rain. I live in England and things are bad enough. Anyway, you truly are beautiful and amazing. I'm so pleased to have met you! Is there anything else you think I should know?

Dearbhaile: Awww, thank ye, Lass. Ye, too, be beautiful an' amazin'. Carter be fun tae chat with, an' Robialr, too.

Me: Oh...I'm familiar with Robilar...he is so much fun. I've had a few wet dreams about him....I mean, a few nice dreams. Thanks for the interview!

Dearbhaile: Yer welcome. Now tae find Carter an' ask what be "wet dreams"...

The projected release date for 'Into the Realm, Chronicles of Carter Blake, Book1'  is the 16th of August 2013.

You can watch the authors progress by following him at his blog link above or:

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The Realm's book page

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done, love.

    I like the work and can't wait to interview Teagan.

